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Metal Suppliers Search

The i2i platform has a repository of over 28,000 metal suppliers sourced from around the world. You can be search metal suppliers by name, description and keywords. You can also refine your search by country, form and establishment type.

Metal Suppliers Tab

To search the metal suppliers repository go to Metal Suppliers tab in the search bar. If you don’t see the Metals Suppliers tab contact your administrator to have it enabled on your subscription.

Once you have navigated to the Metal Suppliers tab you will be able to enter your search criteria.

Metals Suppliers Tab in the Search Bar

Field Reference

Type thisTo find
Name: “abc”Items containing the Name “abc”, eg. “ABC Metals, Inc”, “Fabco Stell Co.”
Description: “alt”Items containing the Description “alt”, eg. “Cobalt“, “Copper Cobalt
Keywords: “alt”Items containing the keyword “alt” in Approvals or “Profile”, eg. “Address: Kiss János alt.”
Country: “Australia” Items with an address in the Country “Australia
Form: “Bar”Items containing the Form “Bar
Establishment Type: “Sales Office”Items with an Establishment Type of “Sales Office
Field reference
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